Seize THE Day

Your destination, your future, is never black and white.  There’s no right or wrong answer on where your path will lead and you most likely can’t find it in the stars.  A secret I do know is, if you want something then make it happen.  Take ahold of your goals, what truly makes you happy,Continue reading “Seize THE Day”

Fun in the Sun!

Wow Jamaica was incredible!  What a wonderful way to celebrate our marriage with a trip to the sunny Montega Bay, Jamaica.  It was both my husband and I’s first time there and we weren’t disappointed one bit.  Normally when going on trips we try to make an agenda of what we want to do andContinue reading “Fun in the Sun!”

Trip to Africa: Episode 2

Jambo! Not only did I get the chance to travel to South Africa last year, but I was fortunate enough to get the chance to go again this year.  This trip however, we went to Northern Africa to visit Kenya and Tanzania.  Both trips were amazing and I still can’t wrap my head around theContinue reading “Trip to Africa: Episode 2”

Go with the Flow

Issue 27 Every now and then it’s always a good idea to treat yourself and in my book it’s a must.  Whether it’s going to an expensive restaurant that you’ve been wanting to go to, buying those jeans you’ve been longing for, or even just going out to get a massage, when you do somethingContinue reading “Go with the Flow”