Trip to Africa: Episode 2

Jambo! Not only did I get the chance to travel to South Africa last year, but I was fortunate enough to get the chance to go again this year.  This trip however, we went to Northern Africa to visit Kenya and Tanzania.  Both trips were amazing and I still can’t wrap my head around theContinue reading “Trip to Africa: Episode 2”

Republica Dominicana

Hello amigos!  Sorry for the lack in posts, I’ve been on a little hiatus since my last one back in October.  I’ve been so busy lately with planning my wedding, going back home visiting family, and of course the holidays.  In spite of my hectic schedule I am here today to tell you about myContinue reading “Republica Dominicana”

Sunny California

There’s nothing better than the warm sun shining on your face and the smell of the Pacific salty air.  If I would have to describe the type of person I am, I would say I’m definitely a summer girl who loves the beach.  Last weekend I finally had the chance to experience Southern California andContinue reading “Sunny California”

I Got Swept Away On An African Safari…

I got swept away on an African Safari that I recently returned home from.  It was the most amazing experience that I will remember forever.  I not only got to see an assortment of exotic animals, but I learned so much about each and every one.  We traveled all the way from the United StatesContinue reading “I Got Swept Away On An African Safari…”

Roar Said The Lion

Hey animal lovers over here!  I recently traveled to South Carolina for the Myrtle Beach Safari that I heard so much about.  I can actually say I held a baby tiger, lion and monkey.  Not many people can say that.  It was like no other experience where you actually interacted with these exotic animals.  ThereContinue reading “Roar Said The Lion”

Floral Impression

In honor of Spring and the weather finally getting warmer, I have designed a pattern called Floral Impression using Adobe Illustrator.  This pattern has a fun vibrant feel expressed with an impressionist look.  The texture and artsy strokes remind me of how I love to paint with a brush and canvas, only this time IContinue reading “Floral Impression”

The Buzz with these Bees

” When the flower blossoms, the bee will come.” -Srikumar Rao In light of the days lasting longer and the warmer weather slowly approaching, this post is about the bees.  Normally when you think of honey bees the first thing you think of is honey and how delicious it is.  Honey is typically used asContinue reading “The Buzz with these Bees”