Seize THE Day

Your destination, your future, is never black and white.  There’s no right or wrong answer on where your path will lead and you most likely can’t find it in the stars.  A secret I do know is, if you want something then make it happen.  Take ahold of your goals, what truly makes you happy, and go for it!  Easier said then done right?  To be honest, I’m still half stuck in that stage of day dreaming, but I feel like I’m moving in the right direction.  Now that it’s 2020, this is the year to set new goals and start figuring out what I want my next 5 years to look like.  It can be nerve racking because in some way or another we all feel the fear of change and the unknown.  Well, I’m taking the first step.

Goal #1, nothing crazy…start drawing and creating more frequently.  I used to draw every day, but with work and just life in general I tend to put it on the back burner.  This is one of my biggest passions and I tend to keep it on the front burner now, always turned on.  Here are a few of my designs I’ve done in the last week or so, with more to come! (check out more designs on my WORKS page)  Also, happy Friday everyone!

Friday Type
© Ashley C. Shank

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