Trip to Africa: Episode 2

Jambo! Not only did I get the chance to travel to South Africa last year, but I was fortunate enough to get the chance to go again this year.  This trip however, we went to Northern Africa to visit Kenya and Tanzania.  Both trips were amazing and I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that i’ve been there twice now.  I’ve learned so much along the way and will never forget these wonderful experiences.  Definitely a bucket list check and something to tell my children and grandchildren in the future to come.  So let’s get started, I hope you’re dying to see just how amazing Northern Africa is.

This time around we had a layover in Doha in the Middle East and since our layover was about ten hours we needed to do something besides sit in an airport all day.  We decided to go to the local market place that was near by to explore a little.  After a thirteen hour flight it was nice to stretch our legs.


There were lots of shops, but the weather was very hot and humid.  Hotter than what we’re used to.  We also stopped for lunch and it was  delicious!  The goat cheese was to die for in my Greek Salad.


And of course a small dessert later on…



Fast forward to Kenya, we finally made it.  We made it to our first stop in Lake Naguru National Park.  This time around we did the tour, going from Lake Naguru, to Maasai Mara, the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and then finally Amboseli National Park all to see the Great Migration and more…



We saw so many animals and once we were there on safari it brought back some great memories from our time before.  A couple things that were different though is we finally got to see lions.  Yes lions!  Two females, most likely sisters.  They seemed so much bigger in person, but didn’t mind at all that we were there observing.


We also got to see our fare share of baboons, they were everywhere.  Not to mention plenty other animals along the way.


Africa is filled with such pretty views even if animals were out of sight hiding.


Lake Naguru is famous for sightings of rhinos,  we saw so many and plenty that were up close.  Both black and white rhinos.  Last year we only saw a couple here and there.   Black rhinos are close to being endangered, so it was pretty amazing that we had a chance to see them.



After spending some time with the rhinos it was a perfect way to end the day and head out onto our next location, to the Maasai Mara.  We even managed to capture part of the sun setting.


Our adventures didn’t stop there in Lake Naguru, we had to wake up really early on our first day in the Maasai Mara for a hot air balloon ride.  Let me tell you it was spectacular and i’m not too keen on heights either.  It was the most smooth and peaceful ride of any type i’ve ever been on.  I wasn’t scared once while riding.  I highly recommend to all, it was a one of a kind experience.  We saw lots of animals, all from a birds eye view.




When the balloon ride ended even though we could have been out there all day,  we were treated to a beautiful breakfast in the middle of the park.


Now onto the animals…  There were lots of things to see so we were eager to get started. Right off the bat we saw a lioness having breakfast as well with a wildebeest (viewer discretion advised.)


You can also see in the back a hyena laying down patiently waiting for the lion to be done with her meal so he can eat too.

Another very cool sighting was seeing a nest of ostrich eggs.  Last year we only saw a few ostriches in general, but this time we were lucky enough to see plenty.


An Ostrich is truly fascinating and massive, they are the largest bird in the world.  We spent the whole day in Maasai Mara, always aware that every corner we took there may be animals lurking.  As we turned around bends in the road and went over lumps and bumps, at last we saw cheetahs! Quit a few, but they weren’t lurking they were relaxing.


This trip was our chance to see cheetahs considering we didn’t get the chance last year, so spotting them was a wonderful moment.  It was amazing.  A mom and her not-so-young cubs, it was hard to tell which was which.

Not long after we came across a very comedic situation involving lions.  The story goes that a male lion brought a freshly killed wildebeest to a lioness not far away.  He had to drag lunch across a field stopping in between to take breaks.  He was tired and panting the whole way.  When he finally reached the bush the lioness was at, he dropped the wildebeest right in front of her.  She got up and walked away, clearly not impressed.  It made us giggle a little, i’m glad we got to see it.

We watched them for a little while, but then moved on to find dozens of hippos.  A couple even playing around.

As you can see we definitely saw our fair share of lions this time.  These ones were just snuggling together under a tree to get some shade.  A pride full of babies.


While these lion cubs below were just rambunctious and getting into trouble, the mothers had a lot on their paws.

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Oh and I can’t forget to mention the elephants before we leave.  One of my favorite parts, seeing herds of elephants.  Seeing part of the great migration happen right before our eyes was like we were on animal planet.


Next stop, the Serengeti.  Most of you have probably heard of this place before, it’s probably the most famous place out of all the ones we’ve been to this trip.  Here are a few photos that we captured along the journey through.

Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 5.19.02 PM(Lilac Breasted Roller)

Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 5.24.33 PM(Hippo)

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(Crowned Crane)

Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 5.29.24 PM.png(Leopard)

Screen Shot 2019-08-11 at 5.25.05 PM(Buffalo)

As we head into Ngorongoro or the Crater, we drove up large mountains to get to the top and the starting point.  We also were officially in Tanzania.  Once we stopped there we enjoyed a beautiful view together.


After traveling all day in a car it was nice to step out and walk around a little, eager to see more.  As we followed the steep road down the mountain, we saw lots of Jackal.  They are related to wolves and dogs, often considered scavengers.


One of my favorite animals to see and very common to find in Africa are giraffe.  I think they’re just fascinating, almost dinosaur like.

A journey of giraffe we saw in many places.

Driving down the road there were, on the side, two lions.  They were cubs just waiting patiently for their mother to return with some food.


Lots of zebra and baboons out and about.

Visiting Ngorongoro was a great experience, but we had to leave eventually and make our way back to Kenya to our last location to Amboseli National Park.


Our view from our tent was beautiful, sadly we only stayed there for a night.  It would have been nice to enjoy this place for a few days.  This camp wasn’t gated so the animals can roam free just outside where we stayed.  Amboseli had an abundant of elephants.  We weren’t sure if it was the same herd or multiple that we saw throughout the park.

They were so close to us, and this one was just a loner eating a bunch of grass in a swampy area.  Corey and I were able to take a selfie with him.

There were so many babies too, so fun and carefree of all ages.  You can tell the age of a calf by how tall they are.


I also love how the birds just sit on their backs and around them like they’re best friends.


Lots of flamingos as well, but I wish we got to see them close up.  Most of them were far away.  Some were more pink than others, but still a great sight to see.


Another giraffe we caught doing his business.  Sometimes you just got to go not caring if people are watching.  We laughed at this one.

It went by so fast, but we spent the whole day there.  Following animals and watching them in their natural habitat.  On the way out of the park I managed to get an awesome photo of a elephant just as the sun was setting.

IMG_0655How peaceful this was.

I could talk and talk about this trip for days.  Sharing many more photos and encounters with you, but this is just the overall picture of how amazing this trip was.  Last year and this year getting to go to Africa twice is truly a blessing and I am forever grateful.  If you’re planning a next adventure, without hesitation you must go on an African safari.  I know I’ve mentioned this before, but it really is the perfect trip.  So many memories I will cherish forever and never forget.

Kwaheri! Goodbye for now my friends.

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