Go with the Flow

Issue 27

Every now and then it’s always a good idea to treat yourself and in my book it’s a must.  Whether it’s going to an expensive restaurant that you’ve been wanting to go to, buying those jeans you’ve been longing for, or even just going out to get a massage, when you do something for you it feels amazing.  Feeling amazing and resetting is okay.  Sometimes with such hectic schedules and constantly thinking about others, you forget to just stop and take a breath; think about your well-being and what makes you happy.  So this weekend for me I finally snagged a copy of Flow Magazine.  I know what you’re probably thinking it’s just a magazine you can get it anytime, but this isn’t just any magazine.  This magazine has a lot to it, lots of inspirational stories, bios about artists, recipes, and more! For those of you familiar with Flow it’s not the cheapest, but treating myself this weekend was something I needed.


This is Issue 27 and it’s wonderful!  It also came with a mini Flow course on ways to make your life better and become a stronger you.  I just love all the life quotes it has and tips on New Year’s resolutions.


One story that I really related to and thought fitting for my life, was about the fact that people never have any time to read books anymore.  I miss reading and it’s so true that the era of Netflix and having phones attached to the hip are major distractions from a lot of things that we enjoy.  I used to read so many books and now I am lucky to finish even one per year, which is really disappointing.  This is my New Year’s resolution and I plan on sticking to it, reading this story gave me ideas on how to follow though.  Right now I’m reading The Notebook, by Nicholas Sparks.



As an artist myself, I truly enjoy looking at the art and creative thinking that goes on inside Flow, it definitely gives me some inspiration.  Here’s a print project I just finished, I call it “Peaceful Peony”.

screen shot 2019-01-27 at 12.50.57 pm
“Peaceful Peony” © 2019 Ashley C. Kochiss

Below are some art mini poster cards that come with Flow inside, loving how fun these are.  I will surly put these on my inspiration wall that I have.



Not only did I indulge with Flow Magazine.  I also picked up another magazine called In The Moment, which is also about art, life, and wellness.  I particularly like the seven page spread it has on yoga.  I am a full-blown yogi as well and it has brought me so much joy and meaning to my life, not to mention a great workout.  I’ve been doing yoga since college and never stopped.  One day I plan on perhaps becoming a yoga instructor, but I find a lot of enjoyment doing my own practice.  Yoga has so many benefits to it in all aspects of life, with sleep, helping injuries, and your digestive system.


With that I will tell you no more, you’ll have to dive in and read the rest yourself.  Flow Magazine and In The Moment will have you doing things for yourself and getting back to what you like most.  Always remember to treat yourself.

xoxo, Ashley

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