Republica Dominicana

Hello amigos!  Sorry for the lack in posts, I’ve been on a little hiatus since my last one back in October.  I’ve been so busy lately with planning my wedding, going back home visiting family, and of course the holidays.  In spite of my hectic schedule I am here today to tell you about my recent trip to the Dominican Republic.  This was my first time going there, If you have never been yourself then this post is especially for you.  Not only is this place a perfect honeymoon destination, but it’s also a great spot for a family New Year’s trip.  Take a look below!


We stayed at the Sunscape all-inclusive resort in Puerto Playa, which was very cozy and relaxing.  We stayed for seven days and it was well worth it.  This was such a great way to spend the last week of the 2018 year and an amazing way to start 2019.


We arrived a little later in the day, but managed to catch a beautiful sunset.   You don’t see a view like that everyday, well, at least I don’t.


We took long walks on the beach everyday and on one of the days we came a cross a really cool sandcastle.  I’m not sure who made it, but I thought they did an awesome job.  It’s not easy to build a sandcastle; It reminded me of all the sandcastle competitions we had when I lived in Sarasota, Florida.

Inside the resort there was lots of things to do.  If you didn’t want to lay by the beach you could lay by the pool and bask in the sun all day.  They also had games like ping-pong and pool, not to mention all the activities that the employees put on for everyone.  With all the commotion going on, my fiance and I’s favorite spot was the dessert cafe they had that was open all day long…even better.



Okay okay, even though we wanted to, we didn’t just stuff our faces the whole trip.  We were able to get out of the resort a few times and go on some adventures.  On one of the days my Mother-In-Law-To-Be and I went on a horse back riding walk along the beach at sunset.  With the warm wind blowing and the sun slowly settling down, it was a great memory to keep.

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We also had a chance to go on a waterfall excursion, which was so much fun!  We both had a blast and would do it again in a heart beat.  A lot of vacation spots in the Caribbean have similar excursions, so if you’re thinking of traveling to another location try looking this type of activity up, chances are you’ll find something just like this one.


The journey to the top of the mountain started off with a hike, a steep upward hike.  We kept walking and walking and then finally we made it, only knowing that the only option for the way down was nothing but waterfalls.


There were 27 waterfalls in total that we either jump landed into the water or slid down on rock slides.


The tallest waterfall that we jumped was  25 ft.  It was a high jump.


Trust me, we were a little nervous on some of those jumps, heights don’t always sit well with us.



After a long day of adventures it was sadly time to go back to the resort, even though we would have gladly hiked up that mountain one more time.


Back at the resort every night we would dress up and take photos right before dinner.  These are a few of the good ones and over all photo taking was a disaster, but it’s funny to look back and laugh about it now.

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Since it was New Year’s while we were there, we had a chance to celebrate together.  2018 was a wonderful year full of excitement and great times.  Hello 2019!

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During the daytime I had a chance to see all the beautiful flowers that the Caribbean has, we made sure to capture some photos of them to share.  I feel inspiration coming on for a new pattern project to start soon (to be continued).  Take a look!


Not to mention how beautiful the resort itself was…


Even though we probably could have stayed another week, it was time to go home.  This was another amazing trip for the books and I am forever grateful to have a chance to visit the Dominican Republic.  Nothing beats warm weather, ocean waves, and family.  Until next time, adiós amigos!

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