I Got Swept Away On An African Safari…

I got swept away on an African Safari that I recently returned home from.  It was the most amazing experience that I will remember forever.  I not only got to see an assortment of exotic animals, but I learned so much about each and every one.  We traveled all the way from the United States to Switzerland, then to Johannesburg, and  finally to Neispruit, South Africa.  I went with my boyfriend and his mom and I guess you can call us world travelers now.   We did the five day safari in the Kruger National Park and in Sabi Sands, but of course we wanted to stay longer.  Here are just some of many photos from the trip enjoy!

Kruger National Park Gate
Female leopard they see every now and then, the guides named her Tatoah.  Leopard also called “Ingwe”
This is Tatoah’s cub who is already bigger than her at about one and a half years old
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Quick sketch of Tatoah’s cub

Leopards are very strong and can run up to 35 miles per hour.


A giraffe “dolomiti” that was standing right next to the road
More than one giraffe in a group is called a journey or a tower of giraffe

Giraffes have horns which are actually called ossicones.  Female ossicones have more hair on them while male ossicones are more bald looking.


Zebras “the horse wearing pajamas”
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Quick sketch of a zebra

Zebras stripes are unique to each zebra, much like a finger print.  They are very social and playful animals, also called “Mangwa”.


Yellow-billed Hornbill “Zazu”


Very rare sighting of the wild dog, also known as the painted dog for their white tails and called “Madach” to some.
Wild dog and Hyena encounter


“Misi” or Hyena looking for food
Hyena pups

More than one Hyena in a group is called a clan consisting of only female.  Hyena’s don’t think highly of males so males tend to walk on their own.


African Buffalo, “Nyarri”
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Quick sketch of a buffalo


Kudo, one of the more frequent animals seen, also called “Shabalala”


Baboons and Ostrich



We drove up in our jeep to the middle of an elephant “Nolovo” herd, which was one of my favorite moments


Elephants can live up to seventy years old having no real natural predator except humans


Baby elephants can be so silly…and cute of course

This one elephant got really close to us, she was getting a little sassy

Wildebeest at sunset “Kokoni”


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