Roar Said The Lion

Hey animal lovers over here!  I recently traveled to South Carolina for the Myrtle Beach Safari that I heard so much about.  I can actually say I held a baby tiger, lion and monkey.  Not many people can say that.  It was like no other experience where you actually interacted with these exotic animals.  There was also a cute baby badger, a sassy lynxes and even a mighty cheetah.  Most of the animals were either rescue or breed there, an organization that helps and protects.  For people who can’t travel to different countries to see these amazing creatures it was the perfect place to visit.  I could have stayed there for a week.  If you’re ever in the area you have to check it out!

(P.s. The trainers were awesome) Photo Credits: Myrtle Beach Safari Photographers

Cub (4)-edit
“Tiger cub looking sweet and innocent”
baby gibbon (37)-edit
“Baby Gibbons”

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“Red-Ruffed Lemur”

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cub circle (124)-edit

Night Safari (29)-editNight Safari (20)-edit

Bubbles Splash-edit
“Bubbles the Elephant” (rescued from Africa)

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“Sassy Lynxes”
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“Mighty Cheetah”

More to come on my trip to Africa next month, stay tuned…..






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