Floral Impression

In honor of Spring and the weather finally getting warmer, I have designed a pattern called Floral Impression using Adobe Illustrator.  This pattern has a fun vibrant feel expressed with an impressionist look.  The texture and artsy strokes remind me of how I love to paint with a brush and canvas, only this time I used a computer.  I’ve always loved impressionism, in the way that an artist can evoke so much emotion and life with just a few simple brush strokes.  I see Floral Impression as a carpet, home decor, or even  wallpaper.  Honestly, this pattern wasn’t planned I was just playing around on the computer and something great came out of it.  Sometimes that’s when the best projects happen.  Stay tuned for a lot more projects this Summer!

“Floral Impression” ©2018 Ashley C. Kochiss

2 thoughts on “Floral Impression

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    1. Thanks for the advice! Yes I know i need to post more, lately I’ve just been so busy but I will definitely try my best to post at least once a week!

      Comments are always appreciated:)


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