The Shape of Water

Went to the movies last night and saw The Shape of Water, and let me tell you it was worth it.  This isn’t a formal review or anything just my take on the film that my friend and I decided to go see.  We’ve been wanting to see this movie from sometime now and finally got the chance. This maybe a spoiler so if you’re thinking about going to see it, I suggest to go now rather than later if you’re reading this post.

Director Guillermo del Toro did it again in creating an imaginative and witty film.  A scientific experience that will make your heart warm and your mind race.  Much like his other movies, Pan’s Labyrinth and Hell Boy, he really has a creative way with how he displays his creatures on screen.  In The Shape of Water, a water amphibian man was captured and taken into a lab to be studied and experimented on.  A mute woman, portrayed by Sally Hawkins, worked for the help in the labs and discovered the cruelty of how people were treating this creature and decided to do something about it.  She developed a loving relationship with the amphibian and felt it was up to her to save him since no one else would.  Sometimes you just have to stand up for what’s right and help someone in need!  Octavia Spencer was also in this movie whom I love, creating that commic releif and being that supportive great friend.

I truely enjoyed this movie and think it’s a great Saturday night pick.  It won two Golden Globes, including a handful of Academy Award nominations.  After seeing it last night I had to write about it and let all of you know how great it is.

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